on from Girls' Generation. The second is the endorsement of SK Telecom LTE Unlimited Energy, with Shirley and Yoona together."The last one is from an old friend, EXO's endorsement of the school unifor...During their trainee period, they could freely discuss the members of male and female idol groups, laughing and scolding. However, after officially debuting and becoming members of TWICE, many members felt firsthand that these top-tier idol seniors were different from ordinary people, especially their enviable charisma.
like Taeyeon or Jiung, although they aren't from the same company as me, facing them with a greeting given their popularity and experience would be...
Chapter 172 of The Peninsula Asteroid - Keep Trying! Currently typing, please wait a moment,
After the content is updated, please refresh the page to get the latest update!showcase their talent, yet due to nervousness and a lack of confidence, they hit several off notes during the high pitches.Song Min-young, who couldn't hold back her tears even before entering the bac...